The Well-Fed Writer

Thousands of books have been written on how to become a freelance writer. Most of the publications are a total waste of paper or storage space. Some books are a waste of time but do no harm, but only a handful are worth reading. The Well-Fed Writer by Peter Bowerman is one advice book that might teach you some useful things. But as with all advice offered to you, be it personally or in any other form, you'll have to work it your way.

Pawn of Prophecy

When writing fantasy stories, everything from the set-up to magic has to work perfectly. Pawn of Prophecy is one of those books that really work. It is funny, the story keeps you wanting to read on, and magic is strictly controlled. If you plan on a holiday in the land of make-believe, this book is not a bad choice.

The Redemption of Althalus

Althalus was a thief; he was probably the best thief in the world. And this fantasy story book is all about his adventures. Or it should be about his adventures, but a few things went wrong. That might seem normal for any story worth writing about. But a few things went wrong with writing the book itself. Which makes it either a bad book, or an interesting one. It depends on your point of view.

Why I Love my Amazon Kindle

I have been using my Amazon Kindle for over a year now and I am still happy that I bought it. Amazon is quite straightforward in its description of what it can do, and what it can’t. But what it can do suits me just perfectly. Here are the reasons why. 

That Woman: The Life Of Wallis Simpson Duchess of Windsor

A new biography on the Duchess of Windsor manages the impossible: It is more boring than her and of even less consequence. The only amusement to be gained from it is following up the constant contradictions contained in it.